Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
PhD student in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) at the Faculty of Law, University of Sassari. Honorary Fellow in Transportation Law at the Faculty of Economics and Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Graduated cum laude at the Faculty of Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome - thesis “Charterparties: Impediments to performance”. Undertook research on air and sea carriage. Member of the law editorial review board “Diritto dei trasporti”. Research activity focused in legal issues related to the transport field, especially to carriage by air and sea. Published articles and case notes related to International and European Transportation Law. Registered and practising lawyer (2018) in the transport field.
Since 1994 lecturer in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) in several teaching courses, masters and training advanced courses at Italian universities/postgraduate schools and private and public bodies. Coordinator of masters in Transportation Law. Lecturer in Computer Science. Since 1983 Honorary Fellow in Transportation Law at “Sapienza” University of Rome. He graduates cum laude in Transportation Law - thesis “The Liability Regime of the Maritime Carrier of Goods”. Member of the law scientific board review “Diritto dei trasporti”. During his academic and research activity he has acquired a deep scientific expertise in Transportation Law within the International and European Law as evidenced by his publications and participation as an invited speaker to several conferences. Registered and practising lawyer (1986) in the transport field.
PhD in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) - thesis “The carriage of luggage by air and by sea”. Honorary Fellow in Transportation Law at the Faculty of Law and Economics, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Has an advanced knowledge on the Italian and European Transportation Law, focused on legal issues related to carriage of passenger and luggage by air and sea. Member of the law editorial review board “Diritto dei trasporti”. Published several articles and case notes in legal issues related to International and EU Transportation Law. Registered and practicing lawyer (2003) in the transport field.
(Academic Coordinator)

Lecturer of Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti), at the Faculty of Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “Transportation Law and Court of Justice of the European Union” (TLCJEU). Holder of the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Transportation Law (Academic Recruitment Field 12/E3). Fellow Researcher in Transportation Law at the Faculty of Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. PhD in Transportation Law - thesis “Legal Aspects of Port Activities Governance and Operations". LL.M. in Maritime Law, Southampton University (UK). During research activities, acquired deep scientific knowledge in European and International Transportation legal issues. Published a book and several articles and case notes related to Transportation Law. Member of the law editorial review board “Diritto dei trasporti”. PhD Board Examiner in the IMLI PhD Research Programme in International Maritime Law. Registered and practising lawyer (2004).
PhD in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) - thesis on “Passenger Impediments in Carriage by Air”. Honorary Fellow in Transportation Law at the Faculties of Economics, Humanities and Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Graduated cum laude at the Faculty of Law - thesis “The Multimodal Transport Regulation”. Research activity focused on European and International carrier liability regime and port regulations. Member of the law editorial review board “Diritto dei trasporti”. Published several articles and case notes on legal issues related to International and EU Transportation Law. Registered and practising lawyer (2007) in the transport field.
Honorary Fellow in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) at the Faculty of Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Graduated cum laude - thesis “Refundable Damage on Carriage by Air”. Undertook research on land carrier liability regime. Current research interests and topics regarding EU regulations on passenger impediments at the departure, in carriage by air and carrier communication impediments. Member of the law editorial review board “Diritto dei trasporti”. Published articles and case notes related to International and European Transportation Law. Registered and practising lawyer (2016) in the transport field.
Professor Emeritus in Transportation Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti) at the Faculty of Law, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Full Professor in Transportation at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Law (1983-1994/95) and at “Sapienza” University of Rome, Faculty of economics (1986/87-2011/12) and Faculty of Law (1996/87-2017/18). Coordinator of the Transportation Law Institute at the Legal Sciences Department of “Sapienza” University of Rome. Doctor honoris causa at the Jaume I Castellón de la Plana University (Spain). President of the Transportation Legal Studies Institute (ISDIT). Founding editor and editor-in-Chief of the scientific law review “Diritto dei trasporti” (1988-2019). Member of several Italian and international law editorial board reviews and journals. Visiting professor at the Universidad Externado de Colombia di Bogotá (1996). Organiser and President of several national and international conferences and seminars. Scientific Coordinator of national financed researches. Coordinator of several PhD courses and master. Coordinator of the Italian Bar Association Transportation Project (Rome, 2012-17). Member of several institutional committees for the revision of the Italian Transportation Law. Published sixteen books and over 200 publications in national and international scientific law journals and reviews.